
Nature’s Explorers

Third Week! Join our staff for this fun program exploring and learning about nature. This program is aimed at children ages 2-5 with an adult explorer. Nature’s Explorers takes place indoors and outdoors, is loosely structured, and is influenced by the seasons and interests of the group. Space is limited, registration required. TUITION: $40 per […]


Junior Rangers – Final Week

This is our last week of Junior Rangers! Participants should dress for the weather; we will most likely spend some time outside even if it's raining. Wear shoes suitable for hiking. This session is full. Junior Rangers will return in the fall.

Nature’s Explorers

Final Week! Join our staff for this fun program exploring and learning about nature. This program is aimed at children ages 2-5 with an adult explorer. Nature’s Explorers takes place indoors and outdoors, is loosely structured, and is influenced by the seasons and interests of the group. Space is limited, registration required. TUITION: $40 per […]


Soap Making for Beginners

Come learn the history and fundamentals of soap making with Ranger Dawn. Safety, soap-making steps, and saponification will all be covered in this class. A batch of soap will be made with the group, and each person will take home a custom soap to which they have added their special oils and herbs. $20 per […]


Journey Sticks

A journey stick (also known as a story stick) is a memento from a nature walk featuring items collected while on a walk. The First Nations people used these Journey Sticks to track their experiences and tell the stories of their travels. Join us for a hike through our beautiful trail and make a journey […]


The Colors of Autumn

Why do leaves change color? It’s almost autumn, and the leaves on the trees will turn to different colors soon. Come with your family to learn why this happens while on a fall walk in the park. Afterward, join us in the visitor center to make your tree full of autumn colors to take home. […]


Handmade Milk Baths

Would you be interested in learning how to make milk baths? If so, join Ranger Dawn to learn how to make milk baths using a simple homemade recipe. All the ingredients are included for each student to make 2 baths. These make nice gifts for the holidays—materials fee: $20 per person. Click here to register […]


Winter Wreath Workshop

Celebrate winter and the festive season as you create a wreath from fresh locally grown greens, then decorate your masterpiece with natural trimmings. Enjoy some warm mulled cider and a cookie too! Wreath frames and wire will be provided. Please bring your garden gloves and hand clippers. Materials fee: $20. Click here to register for […]


Animal Tracks and Traces

Follow the signs and tracks and become an animal detective. On our hike discover the clues of the animals that inhabit our forest and fields. We will teach you how to put together these clues to tell their story. Make a plaster cast for your collection. Fee: $6 per person. Click here to register for […]


Needle Felt a Holiday Gnome

Join Ranger Dawn as we explore the art of Needle Felting. You will be supplied with a complete kit with all you need to make a holiday gnome with step-by-step instructions. Bring a towel you can roll up to felt on. Materials Fee $20. Click here to register for this adult-only program.
